I was recently asked to smear some paint around on the window of a new
Home Gallery project called
The Op Shop (short for Opportunity Shop, which apparently is what they call thrift stores in Australia). I probably should just wait to post about this, since the photos I got are all a little...uh...inadequate. It was late, I was tired. I'll post better pictures when I have them, but I wanted to give Laura and Andrew's new project some props here ASAP. So here are some (mostly) blurred and dim pictures of a flood drawing, with trees and birds, with and without flash. Note the nice shadows made by light from the streetlights passing through the drawings branches.

If the above is being posted a bit too soon, the following is making it onto my little blog a bit late. A show called Calling All Angels, at
Form and Content Gallery, curated by Camille Gage, just came down in Minneapolis. I had several pieces in it and it received some very nice coverage in local press and as part of an essay on angels in popular culture on
Quodlibetica. Here are a few pictures of that:

The images in that last photo are a couple of prints I recently made. They are the cover images from
Des Chiens, D'leau and
Mitologias, the French and Spanish language collections of
Dogs and Water and
Sisyphus that came out in '05 or so. I sold a few at the show but have several more (they were both done in editions of 25) which I'm selling via Paypal (ndrs@hotmail.com, $95.ooUS each, 19.5" x 24" and 21" x 21", respectively. Click on image below for better views).

The basic image is originally from a drawing I did during an art history class at the Art Institute in 2000 (see
Mome, June 2006). My Spanish Publisher had seen it in some zine or other that I'd done and suggested it as the cover for the collection. Without thinking about it particularly I put a pink robe over the originally nude angel. He asked me why and it got me thinking, so when the French edition came around I decided to redo the image. So now there are two.
are both images on one print? what are the dimensions of the print/s? is the $95 for one or both? :)
Nope, two separate prints. Naked Angel is about 21" square, clothed is 19.5" x 24". $95 each.
those windows look RAAAAAAAAAD!
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